Our “ugly” sweater is pretty cute right? Recreate this ugly Christmas sweater with ease. Follow the steps in the video and get further detail in the description below to screen-print this sweater for customers or yourself this holiday season. We have also included a link to download the artwork we used for this print and it’s completely free!
Let’s get to it.
We are going to be printing with two different types of ink today. One is Rapid Cure Gold Glitter Plastisol Ink and the other is Rapid Cure Metallic Gold Plastisol Ink. You can print with just glitter or metallic if you prefer a one-color print.

Pro Tip: Always remember to mix your inks prior to use so you get a nice creamy and easy flowing feel when it’s time to hit the press.
Since the inks have different printing characteristics you are going to need a couple different screen meshes so the ink can print onto the garment without any issues like clogging.
We are going to use a 40-mesh count screen to print the glitter ink through. A 40-mesh count is going to let those bigger glitter particles pass through the mesh with ease which wouldn’t be possible on a standard mesh like a 155.
Glitter inks are not loaded with pigments like other inks, so we recommend doing a print – flash – print and repeat depending on the look you are going for.
For metallic inks you can go ahead and use a standard mesh you would use for any typical plastisol. 155+ will work best. This ink is going to have the typical characteristics of your standard plastisol ink.
Once you have these items the job is going to be just like any other 2 color screen-printing job.
Load your ink, flood, print & create!
Here is a quick “grocery list” of things you will need outside your normal screen-printing arsenal to re-create this look.
Click here to access a FREE DOWNLOAD of the art we used to create this look. You will need adobe illustrator to support this download.
If you are new to screen printing click here for a complete How To Screen Print Guide.
If you are new to screen printing multi-color prints and need tips with alignment and setting up the press for multiple screens, click here.
Hope you are embracing the Holiday Spirit that is quickly falling upon us. Merry Printing Printers.
Screen Print Direct